Thanksgiving is About Loving Kindness
November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving is about giving and gratitude, emphasis on the giving. And, this past year has brought about great changes in the world and right here at The C.A.R.E. Channel.
Some of our longtime staff have moved on and others, new to us, bring new ideas and wonder to The C.A.R.E. Channel.
My personal experience is that when the world seems to collapse on itself, like the mass shootings right in our own country and the devastating and deadly fires in Paradise and Malibu, doing work that matters becomes a paramount life and spirit saver.
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection for us. A time to remember holidays past and think about how ephemeral stability is. The world changes and we must change regardless of whether it fits our view of what things should look like.
And, the older we get, the more change becomes normal and repetition becomes mythological. No, we cannot go that way again.
The first responders, the nurses, physicians, and chaplains that come to our sides to care for us and keep us safe, even when their own families may not be safe, personify and demonstrate the ideals of courage and gratitude, pushing these ideals to the forefront.
Loving kindness is the gift we can give and receive without limitation. So many have so much and so many have so little. Yet, the abundance that loving kindness offers makes us equal when we meet each other.
So, we extend to you a Thanksgiving of wonder and love.
Be grateful for your life, every detail of it,
And your face will come to shine like a Sun,
And everyone who sees it will be made glad
And peaceful. Persist in Gratitude, and you
will slowly become one with the Sun of Love,
And love will shine through you its all-healing joy.
– Rumi
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