
C.A.R.E.® Select

Continuous Ambient Relaxation Environment®

Originally developed for healthcare settings that don’t require the full 24-hour broadcast of The C.A.R.E. Channel, C.A.R.E. Select is also ideal for office, hospitality, and retail settings.


C.A.R.E. Select is specifically designed for medical and dental offices, clinics, or other healthcare facilities that serve patients.

And now, it’s being used to create relaxing environments in employee break areas, office lobbies and waiting areas, individual offices, day spas, wellness stores, and other non-healthcare settings.

Plug and Play

Thirty hours of non-repetitive programming content is delivered through a micro media player that can easily be connected to individual monitors or televisions.

The robust library and automatic playlist keep content fresh and engaging even for staff in areas like reception, where too little variety can be a drag on productivity and morale.

A Window to the Outdoors

C.A.R.E. Select relaxation programming is talk-free, commercial-free, and effective for people of any age, gender, or cultural background.

Stunning nature video together with soothing instrumental music provide a window to the outdoors for patients and family members, creating a calm, relaxing environment that can reduce stress and increase productivity or ease the anxiety of waiting.

Programming Details

  • Micro media player connects to television HDMI input
  • USB flash drive provides up to 30 hours of non-repetitive daytime content
  • USB flash drive is easily exchangeable for annual content updates

Current C.A.R.E. Select clients can request a content update here.

Learn more about funding The C.A.R.E. Channel. 


Try it out for yourself!

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