
Entering the Sacred Journey of Caring Science for Whole System Transformation

Dr. Jean Watson of the Watson Caring Science Institute, Robert Browning of HeartMath, and Dr. Susan Mazer of Healing Healthcare Systems, share their emerging points of view on Caring Science for Whole Person-Whole System Transformation.

The context, ethic and theory of caring science touches the sacred heart dimensions of caring-healing-health to better serve global humanity. The world view shift required for true culture shifts is toward an awakened consciousness for whole person-whole system needs along with concrete knowledge and practices.

This 60 minute webcast invites you to embark on a special sacred journey that offers deep insights, experiences, and guidance for whole system transformation. A tripartite Human Caring Alliance is discussed that provides multi-faceted knowledge, methods, and practices for personal/professional/environmental system shifts.

Three different perspectives of patient care are addressed by the speakers, offering an integrated caring science/heart science/healing environment for this latest whole system perspective. (1:01:01)