
Chaplain’s Roundtable Discussion

Four Spiritual Care & Mission Integration panelists address:

  1. The process used to bring C.A.R.E. Programming to their hospital and how it was funded
  2. How C.A.R.E. Programming has positively impacted their patients, families, and staff

This 30-minute discussion is followed by a 15-minute Q&A period.

Our panelists for this conversation are:

Frank Beazley – Vice President, Mission Integration, Saint Agnes Medical Center

Rev. Jill Bowden – Director, Chaplaincy Services, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Chaplain Randy Gearhart – Director Spiritual Care, Great River Medical Center

Rev. Cindy Hoy – Director Spiritual Care Services, Sanford USD Medical Center

Chaplain’s Roundtable Discussion: Recording



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